The laundry stinks!

The laundry stinks!
Do you have the problem that your laundry smells and you have no idea why? The washing powder is good, the washing machine functions well, but your laundry still stinks after washing.
This is most likely due to the water that the washing machine uses to wash the dirty laundry. Water from the tap (including tap water) can contain substances that lead to a bad smell (and also taste). This foul odor is easily removed from the water by placing a filter between the pipes. In this way you filter these substances (for example before entering the washing machine) from the water that you use for washing.
This way you will no longer be bothered by that dirty air on the clean laundry!
Of course there are different filters that filter different substances, but an example of a filter that you could use to get rid of the dirty air is the following:

Here, for example, sediment, sand, rust and scale are first removed and then the bad smell, taste and so on. However, you could also choose to purchase an extra CTO filter (as it is called) and replace it for the first filter, so that you focus purely on that smell. For example, several combinations are possible and there are, for example, filters that can filter 45 liters per minute instead of 30 liters (like this one), and there are also filters with UV technology, which focuses on killing viruses and bacteria (mainly applicable on drinking water).
If you have any questions about what applies to you, please feel free to send an email to:!